Sunday, January 4, 2009

Halloween 2008

Michael and his friends decided to get creative again this year for Halloween, so they took a few of our moving boxes, some spray paint and dryer vent tubing and made an army of robots. I wish I had a video of all of them walking down the street, it was hilarious and we were in tears laughing.
Here's Michael in costume.
Mum and Pop came back for a visit this year, Pop seems well recovered and had many walks with Max and Bubbles.
While they were here they helped make Michael's dream come true of having his own drum set in the music room. Now he can actually practice each week between lessons. He decided the add drum lessons to his guitar lessons this year and is doing very well at both instruments. I need to find a way to post videos on here, they would have a greater impact.
Michael goofing around in the driveway.
Here's Michael in costume and Pop in the back yard. Bubbles was very concerned about all the robots; Pop had a great laugh watching them all during construction.
Most of the crew ready to go out trick or treating.
Michael is ready to go get some candy!
If the photo was bigger you could see his eyes peeking out through the mouth.

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